
Faulty Intelligence or What a Crock!

In an ongoing effort to spin this bait-and-switch war, George Bush is trying to throw us a bone by saying that he is a victim of faulty intelligence. My response to that is: What crap!

May I remind him of some voices that have come from his own administration? For example: Richard Clark who wrote Against All Enemies, Paul O'Neill, who wrote The Price of Loyalty: George W. Bush, the White House, and the Education of Paul O'Neill or Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, an aide to then Secretary of State Colin Powell who describes his involvement in his boss’s speech to the UN as “the lowest point in my life.”

So, are these all people that have left the White House and all decided to start spreading lies about what went on inside? I doubt that. This administration would have us believe that they were really motivated by book deals. Have they thought that a pro-Bush White House book might also have a large audience?

There’s a crime here. It’s against the American people, specifically our troops. It’s against the Iraqi people, regardless of the actions of their former dictator. It’s against the world community because it puts us all at risk of a preemptive strike.


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