
Laura Bush: Mission's Accomplice

A few days ago in a John King interview on CNN, the First Lady explained that what her hubby meant when he gave that infamous speech under the giant Mission Accomplished banner was that the mission for that particular ship had been accomplished. Well, silly us to misinterpret that. I would have thought that he or she would have cleared all that up a tad sooner.

So, the strategic positioning of the carrier in order to make it look as though it were out at sea, the balls-in-throat carrier landing made to look as though the Prez himself was at the throttle, George W. striding across the carrier deck with his bulging crotch screaming I AM THE MAN, and then saying all those things that Americans thought were meant for them was all really choreographed for the crew of the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln. How could we have been so stupid?

Thank you so much, Laura, for pointing out that we really need to be more observant when watching the news. I don't think that Rush Limbaugh could have done any better.


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