
The President spills his guts...

So, President Clueless thinks that his cavalier, schoolboy attitude was tough talk that sent the wrong message. I'll admit he's getting warmer, but he's still not even close. What those words actually reflected was his immaturity and his insensitivity to human life outside the Bush clan.

Why is he just getting around to realizing this when so many others knew it the minute those and similar words spewed from his mouth. I've written about this before and this is only one of 2 things that he can think of that he did wrong; the other being prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib, a place that he still cannot pronounce.

The only admission of error that I'm interested in hearing from this world-class liar is that he wanted to go to war against Iraq for personal reasons and so he lied to the American public in order to do so. Sadly, that's one confession that we'll never hear.


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