
Laura Bush in Minneapolis

This may sound like nitpicking and I want you to know that I have nothing against Laura Bush. She, like all First Ladies, should be irrelevant to any political discussion.

But I heard her on the radio saying to the rescuer of the school bus children that God smiled on those children, I about lost my lunch. Are we to infer from from this that while God destroying the bridge he decided to not smile on the people who were plunging to their deaths. Was it because they were not children or were they unworthy in some other way? If so, were there no children in those cars or were the bus kids better behaved. It's crap like this that shows me that the whole damned clan (with the possible exception of GHWB and J.E.B) sees ordinary lives as just a backdrop for privileged existence.


Blogger Melo said...

Oh yeah, haven't you noticed how god is selective, moody and suffers from low self-esteem? ;)

3:14 AM


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