
Your free pass has expired...

I'm not sure why it took so long for it to happen, but little Georgie W's free pass wouldn't work in 2005. Most folks, including me, gave him one right after 9/11. Mine was still working until Saddam Hussein suddenly became Osama bin Laden.

This year, however, the privatizing of Social Security died a slow, painful death despite the President's desparate attempts to breathe life into it. The war in Iraq isn't looking so good now that more than 2000 men and women have given their lives. Bush's disinterest in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina was hard to ignore, no matter how concerned he looked a week later from Air Force One. His appointed crony, Brownie, fell hard, even though the Prez thought that he was doing "a heckuva job." The wagon trains were drawn closer together as Patrick Fitzgerald circled the White House wounding some of the President's men and scaring the hell out of a whole lot more.

My only question is what took so damn long? Saying I told you so will be little comfort for the next 3 years.


Blogger Amiko said...

Obviously, you were right. I had always despised him (his arrogance, his stupidity, his ignorance, etc.), his co-conspirators and his policies, but I must admit I softened in that period of time and tried to give him a chance.

After all the proof (about WMDs) that turned out to be no proof at all, I was amazed that he wasn't being called on it by the press and the public.

1:30 PM


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