
"I'm All Ears...

...but don't expect me to really listen. This is just a photo op and put together so that America thinks I'm reaching out. So, 5 to 10 minutes of actual exchange should be enough."

As far as I know Bush never said the above at the meeting of the former Secretaries of State, but I don't think it's a stretch of the truth. It seems that most of the 40-minute meeting was an upbeat fantasy of how things are going.

He never listened to his own Secretary of State, Colin Powell, when he was in office, so I wonder why he was called back. Could that be the reason that he didn't have much to say at the meeting?

It would seem to me that having that many people with so much experience, together in one room to discuss such a badly mismanaged matter of such monumental proportions might require a little more than 40 minutes.


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