
Samuel Alito

I wonder how Sam feels knowing that Harriet Miers, who has never even been a judge, was Bush's first pick for the job.



Suddenly, perjury is a technicality, a mere diversion. I mean, really, what a bother to have to tell the truth; especially when it doesn't suit our purposes. The VALUES party strikes again.


Bush's Top-Ten Legacy

He's still got about 3 years left, but it's not too early to take a look at some of the more memorable moments of George W.'s presidency. So, here's the Top-Ten List of things that we will never forget.

10) Compassionate Conservatism
9) "I'm a uniter not a divider."
8) Five minutes of riveted attention to My Pet Goat
7) WMDs
6) Shock and Awe
5) "Bring it on."
4) "Mission Accomplished."
3) Political Capital: "I intend to use it."
2) "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job."
1) "Heh, heh..." (usually preceded by something stupid)


Miers on Bush

You tell me if Miers was qualified to be a Supreme Court Justice. She once said that she thought that Bush was the smartest man that she had ever met. Nuff said.


Scooter Libby

Do you think that Bush was able to come up with a cute nickname for Scooter Libby?


Karl Rove

I wonder of Karl Rove is going to be George Bush's little blue dress.


Rosa Parks

I wonder how Rosa Parks would be characterized were she to have popped into today's headlines. I know that she didn't have an easy time of it back then, but how would the Hannitys, Limbaughs and Robertsons (who seem to be the talking heads for this administration) attack and rip apart her reputation?


Caine Mutiny/Bush Presidency Analogy

President Bush is to Captain Queeg as Harriet Miers is to strawberries.


Did You Ever Wonder What 2000 Looks Like?

Click on this and see it through to the end.


Colin Powell's Aid Speaks Up

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell's top aide has accused Cheney and Rumsfeld of creating a "cabal" that has hijacked U.S. foreign policy.

He also said that
Bush was "not versed in international relations and not too much interested in them either."

He added that the administration "made decisions in secret, and now I think it is paying the consequences of having made those decisions in secret. But far more telling to me is America is paying the consequences."

I say that while many Americans could have been fooled the first time, how could all of this not have been painfully, achingly, and torturingly obvious to all but the most diehard party-line followers. America has been robbed, raped and ravaged by this administration and most Americans alive today will not live to see it recover.


10 More Years of Iraq?

Condi admits that 10 years from now we could still be in Iraq. And the surprise is? Maybe President Pinocchio can convince the public that they'll be throwing flowers to our soldiers the whole time.


Avian Flu

I'm waiting for our Commander in Chief to propose that we fight the bird flu in some other country so that we don't have to fight it here.


Bush's Job Performance Rating

I wonder how W's easily-bruised ego is handling the low opinion that the American public has of his presidential skills. I have a feeling that as long as his daddy approves, all is well in his little mind. He can always say, "Hey, my disapproval ratings have never been so high, heh heh." Or he can put Karen Hughes on overtime so that she can spin it for us.


James Dobson and Harriet Miers

I don't really have a problem with James Dobson approving or disapproving of Bush's nomination of his personal lawyer to the Supreme Court of the United States of America. The problem is that Dr. D. is a religious leader and like Pat Robertson and the Grahams holds no political office and other than his views as a private citizen, he should have zero influence on our government's operation. And yet, in this administration I would say that he does.


Bush's Supreme Court

Mr. President, after Harriet Miers, please feel free to appoint all of your church's elders. After all, it's your country, isn't it?


Harriet Miers

Funny how the Republicans didn't think that Roberts should have to provide the Democrats with any pre-confirmation information, but are now complaining that they don't have enough information about Harriet Miers. I wouldn't mind all this partisan bickering as much if each side weren't so offended when the other engages in it.


A Rehearsed Chat with the Prez

I'm not doubting that the soldiers that Bush chatted with today meant what they said, but who is the idiot that let them video a rehearsal?


Science in America

The National Academy of Sciences urged the U. S. government to "to launch a broad program supporting science education, research and innovation in an effort to maintain the nation's economic dominance."

Let's begin by educating our leaders. Mr. President, if Intelligent Design belongs anywhere, it's in Sunday School class. I have no objection to people believing it. I do have a problem with them trying to disguise this thinly-veiled religious construct as science.