
Dick Cheney vs George Bush

Cheney said, "Conservation may be a sign of personal virtue, but it is not a sufficient basis for a sound, comprehensive energy policy."

Bush said, "We can all pitch in ... "by being better conservers of energy"

See? Even someone as duplicitous and ingenuous as George W. Bush can look good when you've got Dick Cheney on your side.


Prince Harry

As if the British withdrawal of troops from Iraq wasn't embarrassment enough to the Prez, now Prince Harry has to go and make Barb and Jen look bad.



Dear President Decider:

Don't you just hate it when you attack a country for made up reasons and then other countries want to play too? I mean, this is your war, you started it and you should get to choose who the teams are. If Iran wants to fight, let them start their own war. Or better yet, you can make up your own reasons about why they should be attacked and then they can fight with us, but in Iran, as Iraq is already taken. Another side to this is that they could wait their turn but it's pretty obvious that this Iraqi War is going to last a longer than most patient warmongers have time for.

I know that you'll handle this well. Your credibility with me is way up there with Stalin and Paris Hilton. There are a lot of Americans who will believe anything that you say, so don't bother getting a lot of proof about Iran's aggression. Just saying it will be good enough for your supporters. If it turns out to not be true, that's the time to dip into you goody bags of platitudes and unrelated issues that will divide the country even further.

Mr. Bush, I'm removing my tongue from my cheek and telling you that you are the dumbest and most dangerous type of person that is actually in charge of a real country. You've given Idi Amin a run for his money. Just when I was beginning to think that all the damage that could possibly be done had been done, you've found something new to scare the hell out of me with. My first president was FDR. In the ensuing years you are the only president I would never shake hands with nor would I ever go to the White House to see, if you were thinking about inviting me . BTW, you'd not be welcome in my home either.