
The President spills his guts...

So, President Clueless thinks that his cavalier, schoolboy attitude was tough talk that sent the wrong message. I'll admit he's getting warmer, but he's still not even close. What those words actually reflected was his immaturity and his insensitivity to human life outside the Bush clan.

Why is he just getting around to realizing this when so many others knew it the minute those and similar words spewed from his mouth. I've written about this before and this is only one of 2 things that he can think of that he did wrong; the other being prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib, a place that he still cannot pronounce.

The only admission of error that I'm interested in hearing from this world-class liar is that he wanted to go to war against Iraq for personal reasons and so he lied to the American public in order to do so. Sadly, that's one confession that we'll never hear.


Mary Cheney

I saw Mary Cheney on David Letterman's show a few nights ago. An apple doesn't fall from the tree. She had no meaningful answers to any questions that Letterman asked about why she's now speaking out after the years of silence, especially during the 2004 election. Practically every response she gave involved reading her book. It's called Now It's My Turn. She's a spokesperson for no one but herself and I think that she missed her turn a few years back.


The Retired Generals vs Rumsfeld

Well, whaddaya know! There is such a thing as military intelligence. Too bad it doesn't kick in until after retirement.


Laura Bush: Mission's Accomplice

A few days ago in a John King interview on CNN, the First Lady explained that what her hubby meant when he gave that infamous speech under the giant Mission Accomplished banner was that the mission for that particular ship had been accomplished. Well, silly us to misinterpret that. I would have thought that he or she would have cleared all that up a tad sooner.

So, the strategic positioning of the carrier in order to make it look as though it were out at sea, the balls-in-throat carrier landing made to look as though the Prez himself was at the throttle, George W. striding across the carrier deck with his bulging crotch screaming I AM THE MAN, and then saying all those things that Americans thought were meant for them was all really choreographed for the crew of the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln. How could we have been so stupid?

Thank you so much, Laura, for pointing out that we really need to be more observant when watching the news. I don't think that Rush Limbaugh could have done any better.


Rush Limbaugh: Kid Oxycontin

Rush Limbaugh truly is a big, fat idiot...and he gets more idiotic with time. In the style of Zacarias Moussaoui, he just declared victory in his prescription fraud case. In a deal commonly given to first-time offenders, which includes that he be available to a court officer for questioning for 18 months, undergo random drug tests and continue with a drug treatment program, he can not only crow to the other idiots who believe him that he has been vindicated, but he can also criticize Representative Patrick Kennedy for his prescription drug problems when someone less shameless would sit this one out and keep his mouth shut.


Cheney on Russia

Now, our VP is trying to instruct Russia on the human rights of its citizens. Apparently he's never heard the maxim about people living in glass houses. It's no wonder that the list of countries telling us to go to Hell continues to grow. By 2008, this country will be economically and morally bankrupt without a friend in the world.

Zacarias Moussaoui

To all those who are upset over having "won," don't be. He would have said the same thing regardless of the sentence he received. He's a twisted guy and he's yanking your chain.


Alien Protest

If this country were not one that doles out freebies that are paid for by average working people who are often denied those freebies when they are in need, I don't think most Americans would care one way or the other about who crosses our borders.

On the other hand, I would like to suggest to Mexico's president, Vicente Fox, that if he thinks that open borders are such a great idea, then why not have that open-door policy at Mexico's southern border with Guatemala?