
More on our ports...

It's obvious that Cheney was out of the loop on the ports decision too or Halliburton would have gotten the contract.


Bush Urges End to Iraq Violence

Bush asking Iraqis to exercise restraint...what a cute little idea!


An Analogy

Mikhail Gorbachev is to the dismantling of the Soviet Union as George W. Bush is to...

a) the dissolution of the U.S.A. as we know it.

b) the breakdown of the U.S.A.’s economy, integrity, reputation and resources.

c) representing the worst of what’s wrong with America.

d) dare I put the obvious: all of the above?


What if...



Dumb, dumb, dumb...

So, we're now outsourcing our already poor port security to the United Arab Emirates. Mr. President, what the hell is wrong with you?

You've made some catastrophically, monumentally stupid decisions in the past. Attacking Iraq being the most devastating and nominating Harriet Meirs to the Supreme Court being the most laughable, but, good God, why don't you just give them the damn key?


Paul Pillar's Foreign Affairs

Another former administration official breaks ranks. Paul Pillar, a former CIA official, in an issue of Foreign Affairs accuses the Bush administration of something that so many have said all along: The administration used intelligence not to inform decision-making, but to justify a decision already made.

Anyone who thinks that this administration can be trusted to not illegally, electronically eavesdrop on your conversations with your Aunt Sadie, as VP Cheney patronizingly tells us, must also still leave cookies our for Santa Claus. It can and will be used on political opponents and critics as well as the press and anybody else they damn well please to listen to. How anyone, at this point, could still think that this administration cares anything about anyone other than itself and its friends is beyond me. If they do, it would be easy for me to guess where their heads have been since 2000.


The Mohammed Cartoons

If you haven't seen the Mohammed cartoons click here. When I look at them I see political satire, in which everyone is fair game. I see no attempt to desecrate a religion, but rather an invitation to look at the behavior of one faction of that religion. Apparently, until the world says enough, what we see is going to be dictated by the violent, the militant and the intolerant.


Saddam's Trial

Politics do indeed make strange bedfellows. As despicable as Saddam is, when he shouts "Down with Bush" it's difficult to not like him just a little bit.


VP Accidentally Shoots Man

Now, how often do you get to see that headline? While this news story is probably only news to the unfortunate people involved, tell the truth, doesn't VP Dick look like someone straight out of a Stephen King novel that begins with a hunter shooting his hunting partner?
