
Iraq: what if...

I think it's a no brainer to say that even if we hadn't been attacked on September 11 and there were no War on Terror, we would still be in Iraq. I wonder what they would tell us what we were fighting for then?


Mistakes in Iraq

Now that Cowboy George has admitted to mistakes, not enough troops and not enough resources, can we hope that he will some day admit to the error that causes those mistakes to pale in comparison to any mea culpa he could give: that he wantonly used American soldiers to play out his fantasy of one day being able to say that he one-upped his Daddy and is being a big boy for his Mommy? It will never happen and the only thing that will give credence, in my mind, to anything he says about the war is when the twins sacrifice their way of life, their comfort and their safety for this notion of America's freedom that his administration has been chipping away at way faster than Al Qaeda could ever have.


Gerald Ford, et al...

It seems that all the eulogies of passing Presidents accentuate all the positive traits and lofty attributes that our current frat boy/huckster/Prez seems to lack.